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red red rose造句

"red red rose"是什么意思  
  • "A Red Red Rose " and considerable national pride.
  • In 1996, a musical about Burns's life called " Red Red Rose " won third place at a competition for new musicals in Denmark.
  • A CD compilation titled " Izzy " ( 2003 ), that included a duet of " The Prayer, " with American tenor " My Love Is Like a Red Red Rose ".
  • In his book, Urbani claimed " the words of The Red Red Rose were obligingly given to him by a celebrated Scots poet, who was so struck by them when sung by a country girl that he wrote them down and, not being pleased with the air, begged the author to set them to music in the style of a Scots tune, which he has done accordingly ."
  • It's difficult to see red red rose in a sentence. 用red red rose造句挺难的
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